
What Is Addiction? Definition, Types, Signs & Treatment Options

Are you worried that someone close to you is caught in the grip of substance abuse? Or maybe you’re …
Read the Guide
The opioid crisis continues to be a formidable challenge across the globe, affecting millions of individuals and their families. …

Can Suboxone Get You High? [Risks & Effects]

Suboxone treatment is highly unlikely to get a person high , especially if it’s given to people treated for …

Zubsolv vs Suboxone: Which Medication is Right for You?

Zubslov and Suboxone are two types of medication-assisted treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the …

How to Save Money on Vivitrol Copay

Vivitrol is a medication that is used to help people with substance use disorders such as Opioid dependence and …

Vivitrol and Weight Loss: Answers to Your Questions

Most people know Vivitrol as the opioid receptor antagonist, which is used to help people with opioid dependence and …

Your Guide to Identifying the Generic White Suboxone Pill

Suboxone is a drug that’s highly effective in the treatment of opioid use disorder, recommended as part of a …

Can Doctors Prescribe Suboxone for Chronic Pain?

Suboxone is the brand name of a combination of two drugs—buprenorphine and naloxone. Many people wonder if it can …

How to Spot Signs Suboxone Dose is Too Low

Suboxone is an effective medication used to treat opioid dependence. The drug contains buprenorphine, which partially activates opioid receptors …

Belbuca vs. Suboxone: What Is the Difference?

Belbuca is a potent prescription pain medication that contains buprenorphine in a buccal film form (that is meant to …

Is 12 Hours Long Enough to Wait to Take Suboxone?

Typically, you can wait for at least 12 hours after using short-acting opioids before taking Suboxone. That said, the …

Does Brixadi Have Naloxone in It?

People receiving care for severe opioid use disorder (OUD) are at increased risk of relapse. This makes it critical …

How Much Is Suboxone With Insurance? (And Without)

Suboxone treatment has become indispensable in managing the ongoing opioid addiction crisis. That said, the cost of medication-assisted treatment …

How Effective is Vivitrol for Opioid Use Disorder?

If you or someone you love is struggling with opioid use disorder, there is a high chance that Vivitrol …

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Certified, Proven and Private

Curednation: A Safe Space For Recovery

If you’re ready to take the first step on your road to recovery, we’re here for you. Please book an appointment with us today, and let’s get you back to where you want to be.

I’ve had a great experience with curednation. I was not sure about it first but I went ahead and started the treatment from them anyways and so far it’s been a dream. The doctors are very nice and helpful.


Dr. Carter is awesome I'm so excited to start my new journey and his team also very awesome and they make every visit welcoming.


Curednation is truly cares about the well-being of their Patients. I am really happy with the treatment I’ve received so far. A big thank you to the doctors.


I came across this service because it is more convenient to get virtual help. I had foot surgery and telemedicine is way better than finding a ride and not feel like an inconvenience to other people.


It was a great experience everybody was kind and very knowledgeable I look forward to our next meeting thank you


I have been doing the sessions for the last few weeks and it has been a life changer experience. I will say you have to do the work to get results. The more you do the better you will feel. They will educate you on ABC Medication, breathing technique and nutrition.
