Alcoholic Brain vs. Normal Brain: Is There a Difference?


Alcohol harms the brain in ways that you might not have been aware of before.

Its effects range from obvious impairments like slurred speech and memory loss to more subtle cellular damage that accumulates over time.

Here’s a detailed guide on the differences between the brains of someone who drinks too much alcohol and someone who doesn’t.

Structural Differences Between Alcoholic Brain vs. Normal Brain

Long-term alcohol addiction changes the physical makeup of the brain, including its size, shape, and composition of its different tissues.

Brain Shrinkage

A key structural difference between alcoholic and normal brain is brain shrinkage, also known as atrophy.

The healthy human brain is well-hydrated and retains its shape as a result. Excessive drinking disrupts the delicate balance of chemicals within the brain cells, which causes a loss of brain tissue.

The loss causes the brain to shrink and appear smaller in certain areas, particularly in regions important for memory, learning, decision-making, and emotional control.

Alcohol also inhibits a process called new neurogenesis, which is how new brain cells and the connections between them are produced.

Enlarged Ventricles

Ventricles are fluid-filled cavities located deep within the brain. They are responsible for producing and circulating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which acts as a cushion and protects the brain and spinal cord. It also carries nutrients and removes waste products.

Long-term binge drinking disrupts the production and flow of CSF, which causes the ventricles to enlarge. This enlargement leads to reduced brain volume, as expanding ventricles take up space previously occupied by healthy brain tissue.

White Matter Damage

White matter is made of bundles of nerve fibers that connect the different areas of the brain. These fibers are coated in a protective sheath called myelin that helps speed up the signal transmission.

Excessive alcohol abuse severely damages essential white matter—alcohol’s toxic effects disrupt the structure and function of myelin as well as harm the nerve fibers themselves.

The damage to white matter leads to a breakdown in communication between brain regions. The brain’s network becomes slower and less efficient, which leads to problems with cognitive function, memory, problem-solving, and coordination

Functional Differences Between Alcoholic Brain vs. Normal Brain

Chronic alcohol abuse also impacts how the brain performs tasks related to memory, learning, decision-making, emotional regulation, and coordination. Here is how they are affected:

Cognitive Impairment

Cognition refers to our ability to think, learn, remember, reason, and solve problems. Chronic alcohol consumption can significantly impair cognitive function in various ways:

  • Memory problems, which include difficulty forming new memories, forgetting recent events, or struggling to recall information
  • Learning difficulties, which include difficulty absorbing new information, understanding complex concepts, or acquiring new skills
  • Executive function problems, which include challenges with planning, organizing, prioritizing, and managing tasks
  • Attention and focus issues, which include difficulty concentrating, being easily distracted, or experiencing problems filtering out background noise
  • Problem-solving difficulties, which include difficulty coming up with solutions to problems, making good decisions, or adapting to changing situations

Neurotransmitter Imbalance

Alcohol abuse disrupts the production, release, or function of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help transmit nerve signals within the brain as well as outside it. They include:

  • GABA: Effects of alcohol increase GABA activity, which initially produces feelings of euphoria and disinhibition. As GABA activity increases, people experience sedation, impaired coordination, and slurred speech
  • Glutamate: Glutamate acts as an exciter in the brain and facilitates learning and memory. Disruption in glutamate function contributes to memory problems and difficulty  concentrating
  • Dopamine: Dopamine is part of the brain’s reward system and is released during pleasurable activities. Alcohol initially increases dopamine release and leads to feelings of pleasure and reward. Chronic use disrupts the dopamine system to produce cravings and difficulty experiencing pleasure in other activities
  • Serotonin: This neurotransmitter plays a role in mood regulation, sleep, and appetite. Alcohol disrupts serotonin function and produces symptoms like anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances

Loss of Emotional and Behavioral Control

Chronic alcohol use impacts your ability to manage emotions and regulate your behavior. It is partly due to the disruption of crucial brain regions involved in emotional processing and self-control.

Symptoms of emotional dysregulation include increased mood swings, difficulty managing stress, impulsivity, and social difficulties.

Increased Vulnerability to Neurological Disorders

Heavy alcohol use interferes with nutrient absorption and leads to deficiencies in essential vitamins like B1 (thiamine) and B12, which are crucial for healthy brain function. These deficiencies lead to an increased risk of neurological disorders like the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

In the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, patients experience:

  • Abnormal eye movements
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Problems with walking
  • Personality changes, such as apathy
  • Confabulations, where people make up fake memories to fill in memory lapses

Alcohol consumption can also trigger chronic inflammation in the brain, which may lead to multiple sclerosis. Alcohol is also known to contribute to the development of various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Which Parts of the Brain Does Alcohol Affect?

Alcohol affects many parts of the brain, including:

  • Frontal lobe: Alcohol disrupts communication within the frontal lobe, which leads to poor choices, risky behavior, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Cerebellum: Cerebellar dysfunction results in stumbling, difficulty walking, and problems with fine motor skills like grasping objects or writing.
  • Hypothalamus: The hypothalamus is the brain’s thermostat and alarm clock. Alcohol disrupts these internal controls and causes problems with temperature regulation, appetite control, and sleep.
  • Hippocampus: By damaging the hippocampus, alcohol disrupts the formation of new memories and damages existing ones.

Brain Function Changes at Different Stages of Alcohol Intoxication

Here’s a breakdown of the brain changes at different stages of alcohol intoxication based on blood alcohol content (BAC) in grams/100 mL blood:

  1. Subclinical intoxication (BAC 0.01-0.05): You might not feel noticeably different, but subtle changes occur that affect reaction time and judgment
  2. Euphoria (BAC 0.03-0.12): You may experience feelings of relaxation, warmth, and increased talkativeness due to the initial increase in dopamine release
  3. Excitement (BAC 0.09-0.25): This stage affects the occipital, temporal, and frontal lobes. Coordination and judgment become impaired, and emotions become amplified, leading to potentially risky behavior
  4. Confusion (BAC 0.18-0.30): At this stage, speech slurs significantly, balance falters, and memory formation is disrupted due to cerebellum dysfunction. You may experience difficulty making sound decisions
  5. Stupor (BAC 0.25-0.40): This is a stage of alcohol poisoning where your coordination is severely compromised, vomiting may occur, and consciousness becomes increasingly impaired. Patients may struggle to respond to stimuli
  6. Coma (BAC 0.35-0.45): This is a state of unconsciousness where patients cannot be awakened by even strong stimuli. Vital functions like breathing and heart rate may become dangerously slow
  7. Death (BAC above 0.45): Excessively high blood alcohol levels cause respiratory failure and death

Can an Alcoholic Brain Be Reverted to a Normal Brain?

Complete reversal of brain damage caused by alcohol use disorder is not possible. But the brain has a remarkable capacity for adaptation and healing, even after experiencing damage from alcohol abuse. This means patients might be able to recover partially if treated along the following lines:

Detoxification and Withdrawal Management

Detoxification aims to gradually taper off alcohol consumption under medical supervision. The goal is to minimize the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms that occur when people quit cold turkey. In addition to medication, withdrawal management also involves:

  • Hydration: dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are common in people with alcohol addiction. They can worsen withdrawal symptoms and trigger relapse, so severely dehydrated patients are usually given intravenous fluids for rehydration purposes.
  • Nutrition: people with alcohol addiction commonly have vitamin B1, B9, and B12 deficiencies. B1 deficiency leads to the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, while B9 and B12 deficiencies lead to low hemoglobin levels and sensory disturbances such as an inability to feel vibration
  • Psychological counseling: alcohol withdrawal symptoms are not only physical. Patients also experience psychological symptoms like anxiety and mood changes, which is where psychological counseling helps

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Many pharmacological interventions support your recovery journey from alcohol dependence and promote brain healing.

For example, medications like naltrexone and acamprosate help decrease cravings for alcohol and reduce the risk of relapse. These drugs target different aspects of the brain’s reward system, make alcohol less appealing, and reduce the urge to drink.

Plus, individuals with alcohol dependence often experience co-occurring mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications effectively address these co-existing conditions

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective psychological interventions for individuals struggling with alcohol dependence. It focuses on identifying and modifying the thought patterns that contribute to unhealthy drinking habits.

CBT helps you challenge and modify negative or self-defeating thoughts that contribute to cravings or justifications for drinking.

You learn practical coping skills such as relaxation techniques, communication strategies, and assertiveness training to manage difficult emotions and situations without relying on alcohol.

Take the First Step to a Sober Life With Curednation

The brain possesses a remarkable capacity for healing even after long-term alcohol use. With the right support and treatment, it is possible to experience significant improvements in cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol dependence, we encourage you to reach out for help. Our team of addiction specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

We offer evidence-based therapies and support services to guide you on your journey towards lasting recovery. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you reclaim your life from alcohol dependence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Brain Scan Show Alcoholism?

A brain scan like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show shrinkage in certain brain regions and damage to white matter tracts. But these findings are not unique to alcoholism and may be caused by other disease processes, so they do not always mean alcohol abuse.

What Part of the Brain Is Affected by Alcohol First?

The frontal cortex is generally the first part of the brain affected by alcohol. This region is responsible for critical functions like judgment, decision-making, and impulse control.

How Long Does It Take for Alcohol to Reach a Person’s Brain?

Alcohol reaches your brain within five minutes of consuming it. But it can take up to ten minutes for you to start feeling its effects as it interacts with your brain chemistry.


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