Signs of Addiction You Need To Be Aware Of


Addiction is a serious disease, which affects millions of people a year. It is important to identify the signs of addiction in order to get the right help. If you are worried about yourself, or a loved one, it is important to know when to get help.

There are a number of signs to look out for when you are worried about addiction including physical signs, emotional cues, and changes in habits which can indicate addiction. In this article, we will cover what signs to look out for, including:

  • What is considered an addiction
  • Examples of various addictions
  • The signs of addiction
  • When to seek help

Let’s get into it.

What Is Considered An Addition?

Addiction is a complex disorder, which affects over 19 million Americans.  

According to the CDC “Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.”

There are many substances, and behaviors which can result in addictions.

Addictions commonly occur when people become reliant on that drug, substance, or behavior. There is often a loss of control associated with addiction.

One of the key features of addiction is not being able to stop using, seeking, or craving that addictive substance or behavior.

There are two main types of addictions: Substance addictions, and behavioral addictions. It is important to note that no two addictions look the same.

Examples of Substance Abuse Addictions include

  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Opioids, including prescription painkillers such as oxycodone and codeine, as well as illegal drugs such as heroin
  • Stimulants, including drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine
  • Sedatives, including benzodiazepines (benzos) and barbiturates
  • Cannabis.

Examples of Behavioral Addictions Include

  • Gambling
  • Internet addictions
  • Gaming addiction
  • Sex and pornography addiction
  • Shopping
  • Eating disorders
  • Obsessive working
  • Obsessive exercise.

The Different Signs of Addiction

Changes in daily habits

One of the most obvious signs of addiction is a change in everyday habits, which is unusual for you.

For example, you may experience changes in sleeping patterns (such as sleeping during the day if this is unusual for you), eating significantly more or less than usual, or neglecting to shower or bathe.

Even if these behaviors are not a direct result of drug use or engagement in other addictive behaviors, it may be a symptom of addiction.

Social and emotional isolation

People who suffer from addiction will often either intentionally (or unintentionally) isolate themselves from friends and loved ones who do not support their addiction.

For some people, this will look like social withdrawal; meanwhile, for others, it may look like making a new group of friends and spending prolonged periods of time with people who share the same addiction.

Changes in appearance

One of the most obvious outward signs of addiction is a physical change in appearance.

For some people this will look like extreme weight loss, whereas for others it will look like rapid weight gain depending on the addictive substance of behavior being engaged in.

Some other signs include poor hygiene, bloodshot eyes, marks on the inside of elbows, bruises, and spots over the skin.

Health issues

Eventually, addiction will lead to some potentially fatal health issues, and some of these issues can be evident early on.

This may include frequent illnesses, bruises, and chronic tiredness, which can all be evident to others.

If you notice someone’s weight loss, or loss of energy without any other explanations, it may be a clear sign. Other symptoms may include irritability, anxiety, and depression.

Mood swings

Another symptom of depression is frequent or severe mood swings. These may be related to drug or behavior-seeking activities.

Examples of these may include anger, irritability, and depression when struggling to fulfill the addiction. On the other hand, there may be euphoria felt with drug use.

Neglect of responsibilities

When people start to neglect responsibilities that they previously fulfilled, it may be a sign of addiction.

This may be because the person spends more time fulfilling their addiction, or because they do not have the resources to fulfill their responsibilities due to their addiction.

Failed attempts to quit

Despite trying to cut back on addictive behavior or substance use, people who suffer from addiction often struggle and find it impossible to quit.

This is one of the tell-tale signs of addiction, and often raises concern.

If you have tried to quit on various occasions, but find yourself back with that addictive substance or engaging in that addictive behavior, it may be time to seek help.

Preoccupation with substance use

People who experience addiction will spend large periods of time planning, using, and finding ways to obtain more of the substance, or more time engaging with the behavioral addiction.

If you find yourself spending large parts of your days engaging in these activities and have less time for other activities, this could be a warning sign.

When To Seek Help Professionally

If you are worried about yourself, or a loved one, it is important to seek professional help.

It is often easier to successfully recover from addiction if it is identified and treated as early as possible. However, addiction can be treated at any stage; it is never too late to seek professional help.

If you have noticed these signs or have noticed that your addiction is having a negative impact on your career, financial situation, or relationships, it is a good sign that you should seek help.

If you have noticed any number of signs of addiction in yourself or someone else in your life, one of the best places to start is by making a visit to your doctor to discuss your concerns.

Your doctor will be able to help provide you with further support.

Final Thoughts

Addiction is a complex disease that negatively impacts many people’s lives.

It is important to recognize the warning signs of addiction and to seek help early.

If you are worried about yourself or a loved one, it is never too early to seek help. Like many things, the earlier the better when it comes to recovery.


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