How Much Does Suboxone Cost? Comprehensive Breakdown and Ways to Save


Suboxone is an FDA-approved medication. By using two active ingredients, it helps reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It also blocks the effects of other opioids, reducing the risk of addiction and overdose.

But what are the costs involved? Read on to find out!

How Much Does Suboxone Cost?

Suboxone costs are covered by Medicaid and can also be subsidized by private insurance and other grants. Out-of-pocket costs can vary based on formulation, dosage, and brand.

However, you can expect to pay between $65 and $85 for a month’s supply of sublingual tablets and between $170 and $580 for a month’s supply of sublingual films.

The Factors Affecting the Cost of Suboxone

1. Dosage prescribed

One of the main factors influencing the cost of Suboxone is the dosage prescribed. Low doses of Suboxone cost less than higher doses.

For example:

  • $170 for 30 sublingual films 2mg-0.5mg
  • $580 for 30 sublingual films of 12mg-3mg.

2. Brand-name vs. generic version

If you’re looking for an easy way to save money, buying generic formulations is a great way to do this. Generic versions are cheaper than brand names and contain the same two active ingredients.

3. Location and pharmacy pricing

Pharmacies are able to price Suboxone medication. Therefore, buying from an online pharmacy is a great way to find cheaper alternatives. Pharmacies in rural locations are more likely to sell Suboxone at a higher price.

4. Health insurance coverage

If you have health insurance, they are likely to heavily subsidize the cost of the medication.

There are also programs such as The INSUPPORT ® Copay Assistance Program that help pay for the cost of Suboxone if you have insurance.

5. Discounts or coupons available

Another great way to save on the cost of Suboxone is using coupons. Coupons can be found on various websites. Alternatively, your physician may be able to help you find coupons.

The Therapeutic Effects of Suboxone

1. Reduction in opioid cravings

Suboxone is formulated with an opioid agonist, buprenorphine, which helps people struggling with Opioid Use Disorder reduce drug cravings.

2. Prevention of withdrawal symptoms

The same active ingredient (buprenorphine) also helps to reduce opioid cravings, as well as decrease withdrawal symptoms. This is great for people who are opioid dependent and decreasing their opioid use.

3. Blockade effect against other opioids

Suboxone also contains an opioid antagonist called Naloxone. Naloxone works by blocking high levels of opioids from binding. This prevents the euphoric effects of other stronger opioids and prevents their abuse.

Ways to Lower Suboxone Cost

1. Patient assistance programs

Patient assistance programs such as the INSUPPORT ® Copay Assistance Program are available to some patients and can lower the cost of Suboxone.

2. Coupons and discount cards

Coupons and Savings Cards are another great way of saving on the cost of Suboxone.

3. Buying in bulk or 90-day supplies

It can be challenging to buy Suboxone in bulk, as pharmacies can be restricted as to how much they can dispense. However, you can usually get 90-day supplies of Suboxone, which can help you save on costs.

4. Comparing prices among pharmacies

Pharmacies can sell Subxone at varying costs. Therefore, researching the costs of Suboxone at different pharmacies is a good way to find the cheapest option.

Alternatively, online pharmacies often offer cheap alternatives to in-person ones.

5. Exploring telemedicine options

Online doctors may be able to prescribe Suboxone and offer appointments at lower prices. This will also help save on travel costs.

Other Long-Term Possible Costs of Suboxone

1. Medication expenses

Some people undergoing Suboxone treatment may also be prescribed other medications such as antidepressants. This may add on a cost of $5-15 per month, for example.

2. Doctor visits and monitoring

Suboxone must be prescribed by a doctor. When taking Suboxone, it is important to attend regular follow-up appointments so that the doctor can check for any serious adverse effects. This may add on a cost of $120 a month, for example.

3. Counseling or therapy sessions

Counseling or therapy sessions are commonly recommended for people with addiction challenges. Medicaid or insurance may be able to cover these costs. However, if you are ineligible, the cost can be around $60-120 an hour.

4. Potential side effects management

Like any medication, Suboxone may have some side effects. To manage these, certain medications such as anti-nausea medication can be added, which may increase overall costs.

5. Loss of income due to addiction treatment

If you are taking Suboxone as part of a rehabilitation program, it can prevent you from working and earning income. It is important to discuss these issues with your physician, as they can help you access financial support.


Suboxone is a useful tool that is utilized as part of Medication Assisted Treatment for opioid addiction in order to reduce opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

If you are thinking of using Suboxone, it is important to do so under medical supervision. A medical professional can also help navigate any available financial support to help you regain control of your life.



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